Membership Template

We have a number of memberships available to support our work, from Corporate to Family. Please choose the one that suits you best.


Corporate Membership

£1 500 annual Wolf Pack Corporate Membership.

WOF PACK members are charismatic linchpins of our ecosystem. They ensure balance and provide a real future for our nature recovery and species reintroduction work. 

Your organisation will be invited to attend at least one exclusive ‘Works Outing’ event per year, solely for our corporate members (up to 30 staff members, more by arrangement). Becoming a corporate member displays your company logo on our  website and in our event spaces.

Corporate membership entitles you to exclusive items, visits, tours and events and includes:

  1. A personalised, signed copy of Derek Gow’s book ‘Birds, Beasts, & Bedlam’.
  2. Our RWCH/ KIW Newsletter.
  3. An information pack to display on your website and in your workplace to share with your staff and clients.
  4. An immersive Nature Away Day at Rewilding Coombeshead.



Individual Membership

£1 000 annual Lynx Membership.

Becoming an annual LYNX member makes you an apex donor. You enable many other nature recovery projects to bloom. You will be invited to attend at least one exclusive event per year, hosted by Derek Gow and solely for VIP members with strictly limited numbers.

The LYNX Membership entitles you to exclusive items, visits, tours and events and includes:

  1. A personalised, signed copy of Derek Gow’s book ‘Hunt for the Shadow Wolf’.
  2. Our RWCH/ KIW Newsletter.
  3. One exclusive event per year, hosted by Derek Gouw.



Family Membership

£600 Beaver Believer Family Membership.

Your annual Beaver Believer Family Membership includes:

  1. A 2 night immersive Nature experience in one of our cosy shepherds huts or bring your own van or tent. You’ll have use of our large communal area.
  2. A Guided Beaver Watch* from one of our hides. You will be guided through our 400 acres of Nature regenerating rewilding site led by one of our experienced Ecologists and then in the afternoon have a guided tour of captive breeding sites where we are breeding native British species to reseed our countryside and help restore Natures balance.
  3. Our RWCH/ KIW Newsletter.

      (* As the beaver watch requires 2 hours of sitting in silence and the walks can be 2 -3 hours over uneven terrain we cannot accept children under 8 years of age. Sorry no dogs.)


      Individual Membership

      £600 annualy / £50 per month 

      Our TURTLE DOVE DREAM members understand that we must be bold if we are to address the biodiversity crisis.

      You will already know that the UK is one of the most Nature depleted countries in the Europe. Together we can help redress this woeful state. Together we can dream of Native wildlife from our past and help bring those dreams to fruition.

      With your support we can lobby those creating barriers to a more abundant, nature rich future and help build national policy where Nature is treasured. There are many obstacles and system change is urgently needed.

      The TURTLE DOVE DREAM Membership will not only support our vital nature recovery work at  ground level but will help us put pressure where needed to help force policy change and to educate children so they may reimagine a brighter more Nature rich future of their dreams. 

      The TURTLE DOVE DREAM Membership entitles you to exclusive items, visits, tours and events and includes:

      1. A personalised, signed copy of Derek Gow’s book ‘Bringing Back the Beaver’.
      2. You will be invited to attend at least one of our knowledge sharing workshop days where you will learn more about the complex process of species reintroduction and rewilding, including tours and Beaver Watch.
      3. Priority booking for our symposiums.
      4. Our RWCH/ KIW Newsletter.



      Individual Membership

      £360 annualy / £30 per month 

      Water Voles are argueably one of the most important small mammals in the UK as they form the prey base to so many other animals.

      Becoming a MIGHTY WATER VOLE member means that month by month your generosity significantly supports animal husbandry needs which underpins a pyramid of Nature restoration work.

      The MIGHTY WATER VOLE Membership entitles you to exclusive items, visits, tours and events and includes:

      1. A personalised, signed copy of Derek Gow’s book ‘Birds, Beasts and Bedlam’.
      2. One of our ‘Mighty Membership Days’ with walks and talks. You will experience first hand the scale and breath of the vital work we undertake and understand the significance of your generosity.
      3. Our RWCH/ KIW Newsletter



      Individual Membership

      £120 annually / £10 per month

      By becoming a ‘LIGHTS OF HOPE’ GLOW WORM member you are helping us ‘keep the lights on’ across our portfolio of projects.

      You will ensure the husbandry needs of our existing projects and nurture hope that we may continue our vital work in Native British Nature recovery and build a brighter future. Together we CAN make a difference.

      Your annual ‘LIGHTS OF HOPE’ GLOW WORM Membership includes:

      1. An annual Membership Day.
      2. Our RWCH/ KIW Newsletter.